Monday, July 11, 2011

Heaven 8: 4th Night – 13 July 2011 to 30 July 2011

Re-posted from

9th Wave Energetics: Leafing (inward reflection)
Energy Centre: Crown Chakra
DNA Light Code: DNA Light Codes 11 & 12
Sacred Symbol: Dodecahedron
Crystals: Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Celestite, Fluorite, Opal Aura and Tektites
Archangel/Essence: Archangel Raphael
Wave of Love Affirmation: I am Divine Sight

As we embark on the 4th Night (of the 8th Heaven), we are being called to move within and reflect on what has been revealed to us during Day 4.  During Day 4 we opened our Third Eye/Pineal Gland to ever increasing light frequencies, and with those vibrations we assimilated higher wisdoms and cosmic truths.   Just like a tree we spread our canopy (crystalline matrix/auric field) and developed our root system (anchored our crystalline matrix into Mother Earth) in order to consciously embrace and wake up to our own divine gifts.
Now as we enter the 4th Night, we are processing all that was revealed to us during Day 4, and taking this wisdom to a higher level of consciousness.  During the 4th Night we are activating the DNA through our Crown Chakra level.. thus this activation enables us to not only receive the wisdoms from our higher-self, but  also to comprehend this higher wisdom within a physical existence.

What this means is, all that was received during Day 4, we are given an opportunity during night 4 to process within our lives.   In other words.. we are called to find ways of embracing this spiritual wisdom within our day to day lives.   Being a spiritual being on Earth is not about meditating and being spiritual for 1 hour a day, and then getting caught up in the mayhem of life… but rather being a spiritual being is about embracing cosmic conscious throughout your body, in the thoughts, in the expression of your emotions, in your spiritual practices throughout every breath, throughout every moment of your beingness here on Earth.  Thus during this 4th Night we are reflecting on how we can do just that… how we can be our divine spiritual selves within a physical body in each and every moment with grace and ease.

In embracing these wisdoms during the 4th night, we are also reflecting on compassion and love for self.  Thus in being a spiritual being in each and every moment… each and every moment is divine and perfect unto itself.   Thus there is no wrong and right, there are no ‘if onlys’ or ‘regrets’… there are only pathways of learning and pearls of wisdoms to be learnt.   Thus during the 4th night, we must have compassion for ourselves and our journey of awakening.   Through our enlightenment of the 4th Day, as we now become aware of aspects of our life we wish to change, aspects of our relationships we wish to alter, aspects of our communication and expressions that no longer fit our awakened states… then as a spiritual being we choose to make these changes with grace and ease.  We choose not to berate ourselves for doing things ‘wrong’ we choose not to hold grudges with others for ‘wronging us’ and we choose not to stay with the place of ‘victim’ for all we have experienced within our lives.   But rather we CHOOSE to give ourselves love, joy and freedom to be all we know ourselves to be.. and to remember that in each and every moment we have the CHOICE to do this.   AND we have the choice to do this with GRACE & EASE.

The number ‘8’ of this heaven assists us in doing just this…’as above, so below’.   Thus we choose to live in each and every moment with compassion, joy and reverence for our divine gifts here on Earth.. and hence embrace a Heaven here on Earth.   This is what the 4th Night is all about, understanding what it is to be a spiritual being within a physical body here on Earth.

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