Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Devil Keeps Calling Me...

Earlier today, I laid down for a nap.  In that subtle place between awareness and unconsciousness I saw the conventional face of the devil appear before my eyes.  Underneath the face was the word DEVIL.  The D vanished and the word EVIL remained.  Then the letters rearranged to spell LIVE.  I saw the number nine, the knowing began, and I saw life end and began again, and the knowing was experienced throughout the next life.  The number 11, life began again, and the knowing was stronger and there was a choice to recognize it or to ignore it.  It didn't matter either way, because after that it was over.

Then I heard myself complaining that everyone seems to want more than I can give, and I felt all the emotions I felt when I think that.  Then I was moving through space, surrounded by stars and I thought about how I constantly ask the universe for more and more, even when my life is just fine the way it is.  

I mulled this over for a while feeling remorseful and ungrateful before I fell asleep. I thought about it for the remainder of the day.  I didn't remember everything immediately when I woke up.  I did a tarot reading and the first card I pulled was The Devil and it all came back to me.  At the conclusion of my reading an imaginary light bulb shined over my head. I thought, people treat you the way you treat yourself.  They are a reflection of your perception of yourself.  I forgot to reverse it back on myself:  I want more than I can give... really?

I'll be examining that for the rest of the night.  I'll elaborate more on The Devil and the life numbers after further consideration.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Insectoid Sentient Messengers Part III: The Housefly

The housefly is probably considered one of the filthiest of all insects.  They are generally born in garbage and feces, and feed on it until they undergo complete metamorphosis, which takes approximately two weeks.  Adult houseflies generally survive no more than two weeks to a month. 

I first took notice of the housefly in July, around the time I wrote about the spiders.  One of them landed on my keyboard while I was typing.  He seemed unaffected by my hands moving about the keyboard, and I found that very odd, because they usually fly away at the slightest movement.  I felt he was inviting me to examine him, and I did.  Mostly his eyes.  The eyes of a fly are magnificent, below is an image of a fly's eye under an electron microscope.  I gazed at him trying to imagine how me must perceive the world.  Perhaps he perceives all possibilities at once.

At the time when this fly came to visit me, I was dissatisfied with my environment.  I took its advice and visualized a better possibility for myself.  I went back to that vision everyday, until two weeks later it became a reality.

Now the fly comes to me again, this time he has brought many other insects and animal friends along to aid me in the emotional and subconscious upheaval I am experiencing.   I have been keeping a journal of my experiences with the animal spirit world, and will share more in the upcoming weeks. 

I liked this quote from www.starstuffs.com
The fly teaches the ability to greatly multiply prosperity, endeavors and ventures at enormous rates. He shows how to be quick to act and respond to achieve results. The fly aids in demonstrating the power of keen eyesight along with expanding awareness in many directions. Although flies are known for carrying diseases in unfavorable surroundings, the lesson of fly is in the value of carrying your emotions, thoughts and feelings in order to act quickly in sometimes unfavorable or uncomfortable conditions. It takes about two weeks from hatching for new eggs to be laid, likewise, two weeks is significant in one's personal development. Are you ready for quick and abrupt changes? Are you ready to move quickly? The fly will show how to make quick changes for rapid growth.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ego Surfing the 9th Wave

Two Of Pentacles. (Aquarian deck published by US Games) Two Of Pentacles. (Morgan-Greer deck published by US Games) Two Of Pentacles. (Universal Waite deck published by US Games)  

I've been reading about/experiencing the 9th Wave since it began in March of this year.  As it progresses I yearn to share my feelings, emotions, the sensations, the energy.  Not with words, and definitely not with a keyboard.

This constantly shifting perception is my own, and mine alone.  An alternative way of perceiving the world, using my intuition in combination with logic.  It is not an easy road to walk.  It is narrow, dark and rocky.  I know that I'm not on it alone, but behind me is darkness, and up ahead there's only a comforting light, the road appears lonely, but I can feel that others are there, perhaps, hopefully just a few steps ahead, if not at my side.

I am tired of feeling like I'm the only person that feels this.  I love to talk about the things that I experience, but words are not enough, my thoughts are like a spider's web, interconnected, branching into other thoughts, circular.  Talking as a form of communication feels like outdated technology, and the internet is following closely behind. 

I chose this, and I accept responsibility.  Its not something that just happens to you, its a conscious choice to experience reality as whole, complete and perfect just the way it is.  Its not easy, it took me two years of stumbling before I found sure-footing, before things started to come together.  But I reached the top of a mountain, only to discover another just over the horizon.  Some days I hesitate, I question myself, my path, but there is no turning back, and why would I want to?  There is nothing to go back to.

I can feel in my heart that if I were to meet others having the same experiences I am, words would be at a minimum, because together in the space we share we would be experiencing.  I am looking forward to that day, I know its coming.  Tomorrow I will meet someone new, I'm looking forward to that, and every opportunity thereafter.