Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ego Surfing the 9th Wave

Two Of Pentacles. (Aquarian deck published by US Games) Two Of Pentacles. (Morgan-Greer deck published by US Games) Two Of Pentacles. (Universal Waite deck published by US Games)  

I've been reading about/experiencing the 9th Wave since it began in March of this year.  As it progresses I yearn to share my feelings, emotions, the sensations, the energy.  Not with words, and definitely not with a keyboard.

This constantly shifting perception is my own, and mine alone.  An alternative way of perceiving the world, using my intuition in combination with logic.  It is not an easy road to walk.  It is narrow, dark and rocky.  I know that I'm not on it alone, but behind me is darkness, and up ahead there's only a comforting light, the road appears lonely, but I can feel that others are there, perhaps, hopefully just a few steps ahead, if not at my side.

I am tired of feeling like I'm the only person that feels this.  I love to talk about the things that I experience, but words are not enough, my thoughts are like a spider's web, interconnected, branching into other thoughts, circular.  Talking as a form of communication feels like outdated technology, and the internet is following closely behind. 

I chose this, and I accept responsibility.  Its not something that just happens to you, its a conscious choice to experience reality as whole, complete and perfect just the way it is.  Its not easy, it took me two years of stumbling before I found sure-footing, before things started to come together.  But I reached the top of a mountain, only to discover another just over the horizon.  Some days I hesitate, I question myself, my path, but there is no turning back, and why would I want to?  There is nothing to go back to.

I can feel in my heart that if I were to meet others having the same experiences I am, words would be at a minimum, because together in the space we share we would be experiencing.  I am looking forward to that day, I know its coming.  Tomorrow I will meet someone new, I'm looking forward to that, and every opportunity thereafter.    

1 comment:

  1. So to be something that attract your interest i have to try to connect to your mind in wireless mode.

    I'm so wrong, i always talk and talk and talk.

