Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Blue Eagle And The Purple Heart

by Nice Tramonto

Tucked black wings, flattened scorpion tail
Her chariot, the polished shell of a snail
Harnessed steeds, twin pale lionesses
Serphim, cherubim, alike extol her successes

Adorned with the peacock's arrogant plumage
Chiron heals, no more need for a silk bandage
Two eyes became One, and a seed was planted
1000 petals, every wish granted

These flowers are growing in the garden. I had no idea they were called Purple Hearts.
The purple heart finally flowered
Seven became One, her internal, empowered
She's learned not to ever abandon a pursuit
Single-minded purpose, infinite and astute

The blue eagle, most sought after and rare
Soaring above the clouds, out of reach of even the best hunter's snare
Whether the sun brightens the day or the moon intrudes upon the dark
Her arrows have never missed their mark

But in her quiver the arrows are tucked away
She has no use for the blue eagle as her prey
More than anything she desires to soar at his side
To touch the heavens free from lioness pride

She spreads her black wings and takes to the sky
Never before has she dared to fly so high
Haloed and crystalline, the blue eagle, what a sight
Without the purple heart she'd have never reached this height

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