Saturday, July 9, 2011

Heaven 7: 4th Day – 25 June 2011 to 12 July 2011

I found this website after I started receiving "transmissions" in March 2011 (I will elaborate on that in additional posts).  Re-posted from

9th Wave Energetics: Leafing
Energy Centre: Third Eye
DNA Light Code: DNA Light Code 10
Sacred Symbol: Dodecahedron
Crystals: Cavansite, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Green Tourmaline, Apophyllite, Malachite
Archangel/Essence: Archangel Raphael
Wave of Love Affirmation: I am Divine Sight

As we embark on the 4th Day (of the 7th Heaven), we are developing our root systems, expanding our branches and proliferating our leaves all supported by the process of photosynthesis.  Photosynthesis is akin to the spiritual seeker receiving higher wisdoms from source and assimilating these higher truths in order to grow and learn.   As we embrace the divine wisdoms of creation our energetic field  (crystalline matrix of our auric field) expands just like the leafy canopy of a tree, and hence we open our field to receive more and more light/enlightenment.

Photosynthesis in a leaf is whereby the leaf receives light from the Sun, the solar rays are then transformed through a number of reactions into energy to support growth of the plant.

We are also ‘photosynthesising’ during the 4th Day.   Through our awakening of the Third Eye, the activation of our Pineal Gland, and our conscious connection with the Dodecahedron, we are receiving ‘Light’ (energy, higher wisdoms, knowledge, ) from our Solar Heart (the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy).     Throughout the 4th Day our consciousness is being opened to the higher wisdoms of creation, and we are given the opportunity of assimilating/understanding/ making sense of this knowledge and how we can apply these revelations in our day to day life living as a spiritual being within an physical body here on Earth.

In numerology we are given a few clues as to what the energetics of the 4th day is all about.  The Number 7 (7th Heaven) relates to the Mystic, Alchemist or Lightworker in modern day terms. The Mystic is the seeker of wisdoms, knowledge and understanding Universal Laws.  The number 7 is a deeply spiritual number, a number of self-responsibility, transformation and growth.  Thus during the 4th Day we are the Mystic moving outside of our own comfort zones, and opening up to the mystical wisdoms of creation, the inward journey of embracing truth and then the outward journey applying these truths within your day to day life.

The number 4 (4th Day) is the number of foundations, of setting plans and structures in order to build upon a stable platform.   The number 4 is also a karmic number, the opportunity to learn from the past from a place of LOVE in order to act with conscious awareness in the now for the future.

Interestingly in the 7 days of creation, or in sacred geometry the formation of the genesis pattern, on the 4th Day of Creation exactly half of Creation is fully complete on the 4th Day.   This is the same for us during the 4th Day.   We recognize that although as a physical being we appear separate (like we are only ½ complete) in actual fact we are a mirror reflection of all that is around us…. thus from a higher wisdom we are a divine spark of all Creation, we are whole.  The 4th Day is all about connecting deeply with this knowledge and eternal truth.

During this 4th Day we will experience an opening of our gifts, a heightened awareness of energy beyond 3D physical reality into the 4th and 5th Dimensional realms.   Anticipate syncronisity to appear in each and every moment, heightened clairaudient, clairsentient, clairvoyant experiences and much revelation to occur through the dream state…. so be prepared for many dream filled days/nights and daily ‘light-bulb’ moments !
In summary, over the next 18 days as we are receiving these higher wisdoms we are being shown the light of Creation that is within us, and are being called to embrace Universal Truth.  The following words by Marianne Williamson in A Return to Love with regards to the Light of Source within us, really sums up beautifully the meaning of the 4th Day:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

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