Saturday, July 30, 2011
Heaven 9: 5th Day – 31 July 2011 to 17 Aug 2011
Re-posted from
Photo by Jamaal Harmon
9th Wave Energetics: Budding
Energy Centre: Soul Star
DNA Light Code: DNA Light Codes 13 to 24
Sacred Symbol: Dodecahedron
Crystals: Selenite, Fluorite Octahedron, Black Quartz, Aegerine, Scolecite, Carrolite
Archangel/Essence: Archangel Raziel
Wave of Love Affirmation: I am Divine Soul
As we embark on the 5th Day (of the 9th Heaven), we are commencing a period of immense light, an illumination of our beauty and divine Soul wisdom. Up to the 8th Heaven, we activated and attuned our DNA Light Codes 1 through to 12, now in this 5th Day of the 9th Heaven, we are activating and attuning another full octave of DNA Light Codes 13 through to 24.
This next octave of DNA Light Codes is the quintessential integration point between the Universe and our Body of Light. It is at this point that a holographic ‘negative’ like picture is taken of our first 12 DNA Light Codes hence giving 24 DNA Light Codes in total. With this mirror reflection of ourselves we KNOW at the depth of our awareness that duality is but an illusion. Our physical, emotional, mental & spiritual aspects of beingness are simply all expressions of the one spark of divine light, the spark of Source that is us.
With this empowering sense of Oneness, we are preparing our ‘buds’ (our gifts, talents & soul evolutionary wisdoms), such that we are ready to spread our energy out into the world at large when it comes time to ‘flower’.
The energy in the ‘bud’ is building in intensity with every new day of this 9th Heaven. At times it may seem too intense, may seem like we are about to burst, may feel as if we need to break out and share everything we know with the world NOW. We may feel overwhelmed, experience an over powering urge to break out and be free… but this will all pass in divine timing.
The lessons of this 9th Heaven is patience, grace & ease. The ‘bud’ must fully develop first within the enclosure of the sepals, and reach a level of cosmic maturity before it is ready to blossom into flower and consciously share its beauty with all. An analogy of this time is early puberty. It is as if during the 5th day humanity is reflecting on the early days of puberty. The development of sexual organs, feeling comfortable within our own skin, finding out who we are and where we fit into the world, and preparing to take that leap into early adulthood.
Once we have developed a strong sense of presence, self-esteem, self-love and consciously know we are worthy to receive all of the Love of creation through us..… it is at this time we reach a level of maturity to bloom our flowers into adulthood, and share our gifts with all of humanity.
Interestingly the number 5 in numerology represents change and the need for freedom, which is exactly how we are feeling within our 'buds'..and then the number 9 represents the ending of a cycle, which is happening as we prepare to blossom in full bloom.
Photo by Jamaal Harmon
9th Wave Energetics: Budding
Energy Centre: Soul Star
DNA Light Code: DNA Light Codes 13 to 24
Sacred Symbol: Dodecahedron
Crystals: Selenite, Fluorite Octahedron, Black Quartz, Aegerine, Scolecite, Carrolite
Archangel/Essence: Archangel Raziel
Wave of Love Affirmation: I am Divine Soul
As we embark on the 5th Day (of the 9th Heaven), we are commencing a period of immense light, an illumination of our beauty and divine Soul wisdom. Up to the 8th Heaven, we activated and attuned our DNA Light Codes 1 through to 12, now in this 5th Day of the 9th Heaven, we are activating and attuning another full octave of DNA Light Codes 13 through to 24.
This next octave of DNA Light Codes is the quintessential integration point between the Universe and our Body of Light. It is at this point that a holographic ‘negative’ like picture is taken of our first 12 DNA Light Codes hence giving 24 DNA Light Codes in total. With this mirror reflection of ourselves we KNOW at the depth of our awareness that duality is but an illusion. Our physical, emotional, mental & spiritual aspects of beingness are simply all expressions of the one spark of divine light, the spark of Source that is us.
With this empowering sense of Oneness, we are preparing our ‘buds’ (our gifts, talents & soul evolutionary wisdoms), such that we are ready to spread our energy out into the world at large when it comes time to ‘flower’.
The energy in the ‘bud’ is building in intensity with every new day of this 9th Heaven. At times it may seem too intense, may seem like we are about to burst, may feel as if we need to break out and share everything we know with the world NOW. We may feel overwhelmed, experience an over powering urge to break out and be free… but this will all pass in divine timing.
The lessons of this 9th Heaven is patience, grace & ease. The ‘bud’ must fully develop first within the enclosure of the sepals, and reach a level of cosmic maturity before it is ready to blossom into flower and consciously share its beauty with all. An analogy of this time is early puberty. It is as if during the 5th day humanity is reflecting on the early days of puberty. The development of sexual organs, feeling comfortable within our own skin, finding out who we are and where we fit into the world, and preparing to take that leap into early adulthood.
Once we have developed a strong sense of presence, self-esteem, self-love and consciously know we are worthy to receive all of the Love of creation through us..… it is at this time we reach a level of maturity to bloom our flowers into adulthood, and share our gifts with all of humanity.
Interestingly the number 5 in numerology represents change and the need for freedom, which is exactly how we are feeling within our 'buds'..and then the number 9 represents the ending of a cycle, which is happening as we prepare to blossom in full bloom.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Insectoid Sentient Messengers Part II: Mud Dauber
I got to actually see this strange looking wasp in action at the park yesterday. I stopped to fill my water bottle at a fountain and there they were collecting the mud created by the run-off.
This creature came to visit me two weeks ago. I was a little stressed because of delayed plans, and my throat was itchy, I wasn't feeling so well. That was the onset of the allergies, which triggered the asthma. I was able to take some over the counter meds containing Psuedoephedrine (literally fake ephedrine), the effects are minimal. I only get sick when I become stressed, I only get stressed when things don't go my way. So basically I'm trying to grow up, learn patience and keep stress to a minimal. A work in progress, I'm an Aries, delays are my kryptonite.
Back to the mud dauber... she flew in through the open window, buzzed around the kitchen while I cooked lunch, and I said to her, "What do you want?" She landed on a jar of basil, perched there for a few seconds and then flew out the window. The basil was too dry, and flavorless, so I didn't add any to my food, but I neglected to find out more information about it until now. In fact it went right over my head, but after the encounter with the Hawk-moth, I became a lot more interested in plants and their medicinal uses.
Basil has a number of medicinal uses:
Mud daubers build their nests from mud, its messy, and it takes a lot of time.
Look at her, she's so patient and methodical. If something happened to ruin her nest, she'd undoubtedly start over, what else is there for her to do? I've put a lot of work into learning myself, my motivations, my intentions, my strengths and weaknesses. I can't change them all in one day. However, I can experiment with herbal remedies that may ease unnecessary stress and anxiety and possibly aid me in preventing myself from creating my own setbacks, such as depression and illness. I will do more research and increase my intake of basil (mmm... Caprese) to see if it yields results.
Fun facts about basil:
Basil was once considered to belong to the Devil and was used in a remedy against witches. When an Italian suitor wanted to show his love he would place a sprig of basil in his hair to win his hearts desire. It is the same in Mexico where people would keep basil in their pockets in hopes that the man or woman that they loved would return their love forever. In Romanina, they followed much of the same legend, where the man would give basil to his love and they would officially be engaged. In ancient Rome basil has also long been revered. They called it Basilescus, which refers to the Basilisk, the fire-breathing dragon. As legend says, if you took basil every day then it would ward off attacks from the beast.
This creature came to visit me two weeks ago. I was a little stressed because of delayed plans, and my throat was itchy, I wasn't feeling so well. That was the onset of the allergies, which triggered the asthma. I was able to take some over the counter meds containing Psuedoephedrine (literally fake ephedrine), the effects are minimal. I only get sick when I become stressed, I only get stressed when things don't go my way. So basically I'm trying to grow up, learn patience and keep stress to a minimal. A work in progress, I'm an Aries, delays are my kryptonite.
Back to the mud dauber... she flew in through the open window, buzzed around the kitchen while I cooked lunch, and I said to her, "What do you want?" She landed on a jar of basil, perched there for a few seconds and then flew out the window. The basil was too dry, and flavorless, so I didn't add any to my food, but I neglected to find out more information about it until now. In fact it went right over my head, but after the encounter with the Hawk-moth, I became a lot more interested in plants and their medicinal uses.
Basil has a number of medicinal uses:
- Basil is used to aid relief from colds, influenza, stomach cramps, nausea, migraine, insomnia, low spirits and exhaustion.
- Sweet basil are used mainly for the treatment of different disorders of the digestive and the nervous systems, it is also used for the treatment of colic, and to treat cases of indigestion affecting people.
- The remedies derived from the sweet basil are also used to treat intestinal worms in people affected by such parasites.
- The mildly sedative action of the sweet basil is used in the treatment of long term nervous irritability, physical tiredness, and symptoms of depression, long term and short term anxiety and to treat insomnia in different individuals.
- The herbal remedies made from the sweet basil have also been used in the treatment of disorders such as epilepsy, migraine whooping cough in children.
- Basil helps in inducing lactation in nursing mothers.
- The sweet basil herb is also used as a topical remedy for external application in the treatment of various skin disorders, insect bites, acne and ringworm.
- It is used as a gargle or mouthwash for thrush; as a bath herb for increased energy; and as eyewash for tired eyes.
Mud daubers build their nests from mud, its messy, and it takes a lot of time.
Look at her, she's so patient and methodical. If something happened to ruin her nest, she'd undoubtedly start over, what else is there for her to do? I've put a lot of work into learning myself, my motivations, my intentions, my strengths and weaknesses. I can't change them all in one day. However, I can experiment with herbal remedies that may ease unnecessary stress and anxiety and possibly aid me in preventing myself from creating my own setbacks, such as depression and illness. I will do more research and increase my intake of basil (mmm... Caprese) to see if it yields results.
Fun facts about basil:
Basil was once considered to belong to the Devil and was used in a remedy against witches. When an Italian suitor wanted to show his love he would place a sprig of basil in his hair to win his hearts desire. It is the same in Mexico where people would keep basil in their pockets in hopes that the man or woman that they loved would return their love forever. In Romanina, they followed much of the same legend, where the man would give basil to his love and they would officially be engaged. In ancient Rome basil has also long been revered. They called it Basilescus, which refers to the Basilisk, the fire-breathing dragon. As legend says, if you took basil every day then it would ward off attacks from the beast.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Heaven 8: 4th Night – 13 July 2011 to 30 July 2011
Re-posted from
9th Wave Energetics: Leafing (inward reflection)
Energy Centre: Crown Chakra
DNA Light Code: DNA Light Codes 11 & 12
Sacred Symbol: Dodecahedron
Crystals: Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Celestite, Fluorite, Opal Aura and Tektites
Archangel/Essence: Archangel Raphael
Wave of Love Affirmation: I am Divine Sight
As we embark on the 4th Night (of the 8th Heaven), we are being called to move within and reflect on what has been revealed to us during Day 4. During Day 4 we opened our Third Eye/Pineal Gland to ever increasing light frequencies, and with those vibrations we assimilated higher wisdoms and cosmic truths. Just like a tree we spread our canopy (crystalline matrix/auric field) and developed our root system (anchored our crystalline matrix into Mother Earth) in order to consciously embrace and wake up to our own divine gifts.
Now as we enter the 4th Night, we are processing all that was revealed to us during Day 4, and taking this wisdom to a higher level of consciousness. During the 4th Night we are activating the DNA through our Crown Chakra level.. thus this activation enables us to not only receive the wisdoms from our higher-self, but also to comprehend this higher wisdom within a physical existence.
What this means is, all that was received during Day 4, we are given an opportunity during night 4 to process within our lives. In other words.. we are called to find ways of embracing this spiritual wisdom within our day to day lives. Being a spiritual being on Earth is not about meditating and being spiritual for 1 hour a day, and then getting caught up in the mayhem of life… but rather being a spiritual being is about embracing cosmic conscious throughout your body, in the thoughts, in the expression of your emotions, in your spiritual practices throughout every breath, throughout every moment of your beingness here on Earth. Thus during this 4th Night we are reflecting on how we can do just that… how we can be our divine spiritual selves within a physical body in each and every moment with grace and ease.
In embracing these wisdoms during the 4th night, we are also reflecting on compassion and love for self. Thus in being a spiritual being in each and every moment… each and every moment is divine and perfect unto itself. Thus there is no wrong and right, there are no ‘if onlys’ or ‘regrets’… there are only pathways of learning and pearls of wisdoms to be learnt. Thus during the 4th night, we must have compassion for ourselves and our journey of awakening. Through our enlightenment of the 4th Day, as we now become aware of aspects of our life we wish to change, aspects of our relationships we wish to alter, aspects of our communication and expressions that no longer fit our awakened states… then as a spiritual being we choose to make these changes with grace and ease. We choose not to berate ourselves for doing things ‘wrong’ we choose not to hold grudges with others for ‘wronging us’ and we choose not to stay with the place of ‘victim’ for all we have experienced within our lives. But rather we CHOOSE to give ourselves love, joy and freedom to be all we know ourselves to be.. and to remember that in each and every moment we have the CHOICE to do this. AND we have the choice to do this with GRACE & EASE.
The number ‘8’ of this heaven assists us in doing just this…’as above, so below’. Thus we choose to live in each and every moment with compassion, joy and reverence for our divine gifts here on Earth.. and hence embrace a Heaven here on Earth. This is what the 4th Night is all about, understanding what it is to be a spiritual being within a physical body here on Earth.
9th Wave Energetics: Leafing (inward reflection)
Energy Centre: Crown Chakra
DNA Light Code: DNA Light Codes 11 & 12
Sacred Symbol: Dodecahedron
Crystals: Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Celestite, Fluorite, Opal Aura and Tektites
Archangel/Essence: Archangel Raphael
Wave of Love Affirmation: I am Divine Sight
As we embark on the 4th Night (of the 8th Heaven), we are being called to move within and reflect on what has been revealed to us during Day 4. During Day 4 we opened our Third Eye/Pineal Gland to ever increasing light frequencies, and with those vibrations we assimilated higher wisdoms and cosmic truths. Just like a tree we spread our canopy (crystalline matrix/auric field) and developed our root system (anchored our crystalline matrix into Mother Earth) in order to consciously embrace and wake up to our own divine gifts.
Now as we enter the 4th Night, we are processing all that was revealed to us during Day 4, and taking this wisdom to a higher level of consciousness. During the 4th Night we are activating the DNA through our Crown Chakra level.. thus this activation enables us to not only receive the wisdoms from our higher-self, but also to comprehend this higher wisdom within a physical existence.
What this means is, all that was received during Day 4, we are given an opportunity during night 4 to process within our lives. In other words.. we are called to find ways of embracing this spiritual wisdom within our day to day lives. Being a spiritual being on Earth is not about meditating and being spiritual for 1 hour a day, and then getting caught up in the mayhem of life… but rather being a spiritual being is about embracing cosmic conscious throughout your body, in the thoughts, in the expression of your emotions, in your spiritual practices throughout every breath, throughout every moment of your beingness here on Earth. Thus during this 4th Night we are reflecting on how we can do just that… how we can be our divine spiritual selves within a physical body in each and every moment with grace and ease.
In embracing these wisdoms during the 4th night, we are also reflecting on compassion and love for self. Thus in being a spiritual being in each and every moment… each and every moment is divine and perfect unto itself. Thus there is no wrong and right, there are no ‘if onlys’ or ‘regrets’… there are only pathways of learning and pearls of wisdoms to be learnt. Thus during the 4th night, we must have compassion for ourselves and our journey of awakening. Through our enlightenment of the 4th Day, as we now become aware of aspects of our life we wish to change, aspects of our relationships we wish to alter, aspects of our communication and expressions that no longer fit our awakened states… then as a spiritual being we choose to make these changes with grace and ease. We choose not to berate ourselves for doing things ‘wrong’ we choose not to hold grudges with others for ‘wronging us’ and we choose not to stay with the place of ‘victim’ for all we have experienced within our lives. But rather we CHOOSE to give ourselves love, joy and freedom to be all we know ourselves to be.. and to remember that in each and every moment we have the CHOICE to do this. AND we have the choice to do this with GRACE & EASE.
The number ‘8’ of this heaven assists us in doing just this…’as above, so below’. Thus we choose to live in each and every moment with compassion, joy and reverence for our divine gifts here on Earth.. and hence embrace a Heaven here on Earth. This is what the 4th Night is all about, understanding what it is to be a spiritual being within a physical body here on Earth.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Macroglossum Stellatarum a.k.a Hummingbird Hawk-moth: Another Insectoid Sentient Messenger?
I went to the beach today, and I saw this:
Macroglossum Stellatarum
I was soaking up the sun, and felt so thankful to be there. I needed the heat of the blazing sun and the smell of salt water. I was also thankful that I could breathe, no allergies, no asthma attack. As I was paying tribute to the experience, I heard a buzzing noise. I turned my head to the right, and literally came face to face with that ^^^
I had no clue what I was looking at. I said to it, "What are you?" And it continued to hover in front of me for a few more seconds like it was thinking the same thing before flying away.
I did a google image search as soon as I got home, thus began my trip down yet another rabbit hole. Okay, bear with me, my interpretation of reality is not for everyone.
If you checked out yesterday's post you'd recall that Ms. Matthews' regards Raphael as the angel presiding over the 4th day of the 9th Wave. When the allergies and the asthma started kicking my butt I asked and thanked Raphael for his help. That was last week, and everyday since then I've been suffering, sometimes gracefully, most times like the proud cry baby I am deep down inside (special thanks to my friend, Dubman for the times he's there to laugh at me when I feel sorry for myself, it really does help me feel better... no, that's not sarcasm, it really does).
So, when I found out about this strange creature, and considered what I was thinking about when he appeared to me - asthma. I became interested in what he eats - Rubiaceae, family of flowering plants which are rich in alkaloid compounds. "They often have pharmacological effects and are used as medications, as recreational drugs, or in entheogenic rituals." I liked everything about that last sentence.
Ephedrine is an alkaloid, and an anti-asthma therapeutic, that can be extracted from Ephedra Distachya (Efedra svizzera in Italian), which just so happens to grow in Sicily, I'm planning to go there next month. Maybe I'll find some! In the meantime, I'm headed to the pharmacy.
Here's some fun facts about Ephedra Distachya from Wikipedia:
It is sometimes identified with the legendary drug soma, as described in the Avesta and the Rig Veda, the respective ancient sacred texts of the Zoroastrian and Hindu faiths.
Ephedrine, the salt of an alkaloid, is obtained from its dried branches and is used as a stimulant, often to control asthma. It was isolated from the plant by Nagayoshi Nagai in 1885 . All parts of the plant contain up to 3% ephedrine.
Macroglossum Stellatarum
I was soaking up the sun, and felt so thankful to be there. I needed the heat of the blazing sun and the smell of salt water. I was also thankful that I could breathe, no allergies, no asthma attack. As I was paying tribute to the experience, I heard a buzzing noise. I turned my head to the right, and literally came face to face with that ^^^
I had no clue what I was looking at. I said to it, "What are you?" And it continued to hover in front of me for a few more seconds like it was thinking the same thing before flying away.
I did a google image search as soon as I got home, thus began my trip down yet another rabbit hole. Okay, bear with me, my interpretation of reality is not for everyone.
If you checked out yesterday's post you'd recall that Ms. Matthews' regards Raphael as the angel presiding over the 4th day of the 9th Wave. When the allergies and the asthma started kicking my butt I asked and thanked Raphael for his help. That was last week, and everyday since then I've been suffering, sometimes gracefully, most times like the proud cry baby I am deep down inside (special thanks to my friend, Dubman for the times he's there to laugh at me when I feel sorry for myself, it really does help me feel better... no, that's not sarcasm, it really does).
So, when I found out about this strange creature, and considered what I was thinking about when he appeared to me - asthma. I became interested in what he eats - Rubiaceae, family of flowering plants which are rich in alkaloid compounds. "They often have pharmacological effects and are used as medications, as recreational drugs, or in entheogenic rituals." I liked everything about that last sentence.
Ephedrine is an alkaloid, and an anti-asthma therapeutic, that can be extracted from Ephedra Distachya (Efedra svizzera in Italian), which just so happens to grow in Sicily, I'm planning to go there next month. Maybe I'll find some! In the meantime, I'm headed to the pharmacy.
Here's some fun facts about Ephedra Distachya from Wikipedia:
It is sometimes identified with the legendary drug soma, as described in the Avesta and the Rig Veda, the respective ancient sacred texts of the Zoroastrian and Hindu faiths.
Ephedrine, the salt of an alkaloid, is obtained from its dried branches and is used as a stimulant, often to control asthma. It was isolated from the plant by Nagayoshi Nagai in 1885 . All parts of the plant contain up to 3% ephedrine.
(1 + 8 + 8 + 5 = 22 = 2 + 2 = 4 ----> 4th Day of the 9th Wave)
Rig Veda,
Earthquake Cherry Popped
I experienced my first earthquake today. It was a 3.4, about 30 km from my location, Rome. The whole building shook. I was lying in bed, and it started shaking, as well as everything in the room. It wasn't scary, just different. Even now, I can't believe the earth was shaking beneath me. Its like a reminder that nothing is stable, everything is in constant motion, changing, unpredictable... love it!
There was another in Sicily, 3.9, and Mt. Etna is erupting. I'm visiting Sicily next month, still excited about going, probably even more now. I want to see Mt. Etna erupting.
I can't imagine what that would be like... scary, exciting, shocking. I need that.
Wake me up inside... Call me by my name and save me from dark... Breathe into me and make me real. Bring me to life - Evanescence
There was also an earthquake in Japan today, 7.1, tsunami warning in effect. Thought provoking. I feel sympathy for the people in Japan, for everything that they've been going through: Volcanoes everyday, 4.0+, nuclear disaster/contamination... that's a lot to deal with psychologically, everyday. But I don't feel too much. Two reasons:
Look where Japan is situated on the ring of fire.
Check out all the volcanoes they have there.
Everybody knows disaster doesn't strike the same place twice.
There was another in Sicily, 3.9, and Mt. Etna is erupting. I'm visiting Sicily next month, still excited about going, probably even more now. I want to see Mt. Etna erupting.
I can't imagine what that would be like... scary, exciting, shocking. I need that.
Wake me up inside... Call me by my name and save me from dark... Breathe into me and make me real. Bring me to life - Evanescence
There was also an earthquake in Japan today, 7.1, tsunami warning in effect. Thought provoking. I feel sympathy for the people in Japan, for everything that they've been going through: Volcanoes everyday, 4.0+, nuclear disaster/contamination... that's a lot to deal with psychologically, everyday. But I don't feel too much. Two reasons:
Look where Japan is situated on the ring of fire.
Check out all the volcanoes they have there.
It shouldn't be a surprise that all this happening. Personally, I feel that all of Japan should be evacuated, but what do I know? A little volcano didn't stop Italians from rebuilding cities surrounding Etna.

Everybody knows disaster doesn't strike the same place twice.
Mount Etna,
ring of fire,
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Heaven 7: 4th Day – 25 June 2011 to 12 July 2011
I found this website after I started receiving "transmissions" in March 2011 (I will elaborate on that in additional posts). Re-posted from
9th Wave Energetics: Leafing
Energy Centre: Third Eye
DNA Light Code: DNA Light Code 10
Sacred Symbol: Dodecahedron
Crystals: Cavansite, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Green Tourmaline, Apophyllite, Malachite
Archangel/Essence: Archangel Raphael
Wave of Love Affirmation: I am Divine Sight
As we embark on the 4th Day (of the 7th Heaven), we are developing our root systems, expanding our branches and proliferating our leaves all supported by the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is akin to the spiritual seeker receiving higher wisdoms from source and assimilating these higher truths in order to grow and learn. As we embrace the divine wisdoms of creation our energetic field (crystalline matrix of our auric field) expands just like the leafy canopy of a tree, and hence we open our field to receive more and more light/enlightenment.
Photosynthesis in a leaf is whereby the leaf receives light from the Sun, the solar rays are then transformed through a number of reactions into energy to support growth of the plant.
We are also ‘photosynthesising’ during the 4th Day. Through our awakening of the Third Eye, the activation of our Pineal Gland, and our conscious connection with the Dodecahedron, we are receiving ‘Light’ (energy, higher wisdoms, knowledge, ) from our Solar Heart (the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy). Throughout the 4th Day our consciousness is being opened to the higher wisdoms of creation, and we are given the opportunity of assimilating/understanding/ making sense of this knowledge and how we can apply these revelations in our day to day life living as a spiritual being within an physical body here on Earth.
In numerology we are given a few clues as to what the energetics of the 4th day is all about. The Number 7 (7th Heaven) relates to the Mystic, Alchemist or Lightworker in modern day terms. The Mystic is the seeker of wisdoms, knowledge and understanding Universal Laws. The number 7 is a deeply spiritual number, a number of self-responsibility, transformation and growth. Thus during the 4th Day we are the Mystic moving outside of our own comfort zones, and opening up to the mystical wisdoms of creation, the inward journey of embracing truth and then the outward journey applying these truths within your day to day life.
The number 4 (4th Day) is the number of foundations, of setting plans and structures in order to build upon a stable platform. The number 4 is also a karmic number, the opportunity to learn from the past from a place of LOVE in order to act with conscious awareness in the now for the future.
Interestingly in the 7 days of creation, or in sacred geometry the formation of the genesis pattern, on the 4th Day of Creation exactly half of Creation is fully complete on the 4th Day. This is the same for us during the 4th Day. We recognize that although as a physical being we appear separate (like we are only ½ complete) in actual fact we are a mirror reflection of all that is around us…. thus from a higher wisdom we are a divine spark of all Creation, we are whole. The 4th Day is all about connecting deeply with this knowledge and eternal truth.
During this 4th Day we will experience an opening of our gifts, a heightened awareness of energy beyond 3D physical reality into the 4th and 5th Dimensional realms. Anticipate syncronisity to appear in each and every moment, heightened clairaudient, clairsentient, clairvoyant experiences and much revelation to occur through the dream state…. so be prepared for many dream filled days/nights and daily ‘light-bulb’ moments !
In summary, over the next 18 days as we are receiving these higher wisdoms we are being shown the light of Creation that is within us, and are being called to embrace Universal Truth. The following words by Marianne Williamson in A Return to Love with regards to the Light of Source within us, really sums up beautifully the meaning of the 4th Day:
Insectoid Sentient Messengers
Insects are probably the most over-looked animals, but I believe they are just as aware of us as we are of them. Some people when they see an insect they become frightened, they're first instinct is to kill it. Sometimes that insect is frozen in fear, or it tries to escape, on a rare occasion they attack... but what if that insect hadn't sensed your fear?
One day earlier this month, I was running a bath. There was a pale yellow spider in the bathtub, it scared and surprised me. I turned on the water thinking that she would sense it and move to higher ground, but she just sat there, her legs twitched, but wouldn't budge, I thought she was a afraid, frozen in fear just like I was of her. I decided that I couldn't do any harm to her, nor could she harm me. I grabbed a roll of toilet paper and I placed it in front of her. She jumped onto it and I transferred her to the window sill, where she immediately hopped off and scurried away.
That same night I dreamed of a giant hairy tarantula, as big as my head. I was terrified in the dream, surrounded in darkness, just me and the spider. As it watched me, my fear subsided and I held out my hand. It crawled onto my hand, and I watched it, feeling the spiny hairs/cuticles of its legs on my skin. It crawled up my arm, finally coming to rest on the crown of my head.
I believe that I am going through a series of transformational processes, which began in March of 2011. I think the tarantula with its legs covered in touch sensors sitting on the crown of my head, was asking me to allow myself to be more sensitive to my environment and the incoming transmissions from the Universe, as opposed to shielding myself from them, to which I am initially predisposed. I woke up with a new appreciation of spiders, but if I ever see a giant tarantula in real life, I'm still running.
Yesterday when I woke up there was a small black spider on my bed post, it startled me because it was jumping around inches from my head. I sat up in bed and watched him. He crawled up, and then down, then he hopped around for a bit and did it again. I remember looking at the way the light reflected off the bed post and thinking he must be confused and lost. I got up, grabbed a sheet of paper and held it out to him, he jumped on and I carried him to the window.
I spent a good portion of the morning meditating on the combined experiences. I read some animal totem/symbolism descriptions (check out this link - spider symbolism), but it was very important to me to understand how these creatures related directly to my experience. I checked out Wikipedia for some insight into the habits and anatomical functions of spiders, and reflected on how I felt during my experience. My initial feeling each time was fear, followed by the desire to assist them on their journey.
The first spider, in the bathtub:
Yellow - creativity, protection, intellect, positivity and clarity. Also associated with fear, i.e. "yellow-bellied coward" and caution.
Bathtub/water - purification, transformation, renewal, emotions
"Spiders... use hydraulic pressure to extend them [their limbs]... As a result a spider with a punctured cephalothorax (head and thorax fused together) cannot extend its legs, and the legs of dead spiders curl up. Spiders can generate pressures up to eight times their resting level to extend their legs and jumping spiders can jump up to 50 times their own length by suddenly increasing the blood pressure in the third or fourth pair of legs." - Wikipedia
Spiders use the water in their bodies to move, much like emotions generally motivate us to action, but fear often results in inaction or paralysis.
Second spider, jumping on my bed, possibly confused by the reflections of light:
Black - transformation, healing of misunderstandings
Bed - the bed is where we are most vulnerable
"Most spiders have four pairs of eyes on the top-front area of the cephalothorax, arranged in patterns that vary from one family to another... which... are only capable of detecting the direction from which light is coming, using the shadow cast by the walls of the cup... On the other hand jumping spiders' secondary eyes have no tapeta (reflects visible light through the retina). Jumping spiders' visual acuity exceeds by a factor of ten that of dragonflies, which have by far the best vision among insects; in fact the human eye is only about five times sharper than a jumping spider's. They achieve this by a telephoto-like series of lenses, a four-layer retina and the ability to swivel their eyes and integrate images from different stages in the scan. The downside is that the scanning and integrating processes are relatively slow." - Wikipedia
The jumping spider uses it eyes to navigate, but reflected light can cause confusion. Naturally he would run and jump in circles. Confusion often causes us to make choices and take actions that are ineffectual, resulting in little or no progress. Just as fear may lead one to inaction.
Prior to these experiences and comprehending thier significance, I carried around a lot of fear and insecurities, I could not move forward. A lot of changes are occuring in my life right now. I cannot say that all of my fears have magically vanished, but being receptive to the messages of the spiders helped me to find strength, to rediscover the love and generosity of the Universe, which is omnipresent, providing us with the nourishment needed for growth. Fear is like a shadow that blocks the rays of sun light from a growing seedling. However, keep watching because that seedling will keep growing, stretching to reach the light.
Some spiders eat houseflies...
and some spiders are eaten by mud daubers...
To be continued...
7/17/11 : I want to add that when I held out a bridge to the spiders, once they hopped on, they didn't move until I stopped in front of the window. I feel like its symbolic of my present experience. Patient observation, knowing when to make the right move so that I don't waste energy or fall off my path.
One day earlier this month, I was running a bath. There was a pale yellow spider in the bathtub, it scared and surprised me. I turned on the water thinking that she would sense it and move to higher ground, but she just sat there, her legs twitched, but wouldn't budge, I thought she was a afraid, frozen in fear just like I was of her. I decided that I couldn't do any harm to her, nor could she harm me. I grabbed a roll of toilet paper and I placed it in front of her. She jumped onto it and I transferred her to the window sill, where she immediately hopped off and scurried away.
That same night I dreamed of a giant hairy tarantula, as big as my head. I was terrified in the dream, surrounded in darkness, just me and the spider. As it watched me, my fear subsided and I held out my hand. It crawled onto my hand, and I watched it, feeling the spiny hairs/cuticles of its legs on my skin. It crawled up my arm, finally coming to rest on the crown of my head.
I believe that I am going through a series of transformational processes, which began in March of 2011. I think the tarantula with its legs covered in touch sensors sitting on the crown of my head, was asking me to allow myself to be more sensitive to my environment and the incoming transmissions from the Universe, as opposed to shielding myself from them, to which I am initially predisposed. I woke up with a new appreciation of spiders, but if I ever see a giant tarantula in real life, I'm still running.
Yesterday when I woke up there was a small black spider on my bed post, it startled me because it was jumping around inches from my head. I sat up in bed and watched him. He crawled up, and then down, then he hopped around for a bit and did it again. I remember looking at the way the light reflected off the bed post and thinking he must be confused and lost. I got up, grabbed a sheet of paper and held it out to him, he jumped on and I carried him to the window.
I spent a good portion of the morning meditating on the combined experiences. I read some animal totem/symbolism descriptions (check out this link - spider symbolism), but it was very important to me to understand how these creatures related directly to my experience. I checked out Wikipedia for some insight into the habits and anatomical functions of spiders, and reflected on how I felt during my experience. My initial feeling each time was fear, followed by the desire to assist them on their journey.
The first spider, in the bathtub:
Yellow - creativity, protection, intellect, positivity and clarity. Also associated with fear, i.e. "yellow-bellied coward" and caution.
Bathtub/water - purification, transformation, renewal, emotions
"Spiders... use hydraulic pressure to extend them [their limbs]... As a result a spider with a punctured cephalothorax (head and thorax fused together) cannot extend its legs, and the legs of dead spiders curl up. Spiders can generate pressures up to eight times their resting level to extend their legs and jumping spiders can jump up to 50 times their own length by suddenly increasing the blood pressure in the third or fourth pair of legs." - Wikipedia
Spiders use the water in their bodies to move, much like emotions generally motivate us to action, but fear often results in inaction or paralysis.
Second spider, jumping on my bed, possibly confused by the reflections of light:
Black - transformation, healing of misunderstandings
Bed - the bed is where we are most vulnerable
"Most spiders have four pairs of eyes on the top-front area of the cephalothorax, arranged in patterns that vary from one family to another... which... are only capable of detecting the direction from which light is coming, using the shadow cast by the walls of the cup... On the other hand jumping spiders' secondary eyes have no tapeta (reflects visible light through the retina). Jumping spiders' visual acuity exceeds by a factor of ten that of dragonflies, which have by far the best vision among insects; in fact the human eye is only about five times sharper than a jumping spider's. They achieve this by a telephoto-like series of lenses, a four-layer retina and the ability to swivel their eyes and integrate images from different stages in the scan. The downside is that the scanning and integrating processes are relatively slow." - Wikipedia
The jumping spider uses it eyes to navigate, but reflected light can cause confusion. Naturally he would run and jump in circles. Confusion often causes us to make choices and take actions that are ineffectual, resulting in little or no progress. Just as fear may lead one to inaction.
Prior to these experiences and comprehending thier significance, I carried around a lot of fear and insecurities, I could not move forward. A lot of changes are occuring in my life right now. I cannot say that all of my fears have magically vanished, but being receptive to the messages of the spiders helped me to find strength, to rediscover the love and generosity of the Universe, which is omnipresent, providing us with the nourishment needed for growth. Fear is like a shadow that blocks the rays of sun light from a growing seedling. However, keep watching because that seedling will keep growing, stretching to reach the light.
Some spiders eat houseflies...
and some spiders are eaten by mud daubers...
To be continued...
7/17/11 : I want to add that when I held out a bridge to the spiders, once they hopped on, they didn't move until I stopped in front of the window. I feel like its symbolic of my present experience. Patient observation, knowing when to make the right move so that I don't waste energy or fall off my path.
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