Monday, October 31, 2011

The White Lion Walks Ahead of Me

The White Lion is my first animal totem.  It appeared to me in 2008 in a dream.  In the dream I was five years old.  I was in a park holding my father's hand.  People were running and screaming running away from the large white lion charging towards us.  My father pulled me up a slide onto a jungle gym, the lion followed us up the slide, and then stopped in front of me and stared into my eyes. 

The White Lion continuously appears in my dreams, and I feel united with his energy.  What my subconscious pulls from the message of the white lion is respect, pride/ego, an air of royalty, comfort and a steady dependable masculine/light/yang energy to create structure and security in my spiritual and external realms.  He is white to represent the purity of his purpose and clarity of intent.   

I constantly remind myself that we are all actually animals.  It is our spirit that determines our species.  The species of human that bind with the energy of the white male lion are being called to honor their ego, because the intent behind their emergence into the physical world originated in innocence.  He wants us to know that we should never second guess ourselves.  We roar with all of our might when necessary to protect ourselves and all extensions of self.  Shake out our manes, hold our heads high and know that our presence alone commands respect.  That we should think, speak and act with respect for ourselves, this way we will always have the respect of others.  Life's lessons will teach us how to garner that respect and also how to lose it, so pay attention.

The female lion appeared to me in a dream last fall.  The walls of my dimly lit bedroom crumbled away to reveal the chaos outside.  A black bear emerging from a swamp wreaking havoc.  The white lioness tackled and subdued him and then came after me.  She climbed onto my bed and stared into my eyes.

Bears are all about power. In this instance black feels like the act of seeking knowledge.  Knowledge alone is nothing, but with wisdom you obtain power.  A swamp... water, mud - murky emotions.  So a bear abusing her power, based on invalid information, as she emerges from a place of dark emotions is brought down by a fierce white lioness. 

Lionesses usually work together.  She was alone to demonstrate just how powerful she is, and planted a seed of the preeminence of the pride when they are together.  She is white to reflect her innocence.  She does not aspire to be bad or good, right or wrong because she is wise enough to understand that one does not exist without the other, she is whole.   She climbed into my bed and stared me in my eyes with big bright green ones.  Eyes that are lit by the heart.  She was in a state of fury, directed at me, because there in my bed, the most vulnerable place I can be, in that small room I lay hiding away from the chaos outside, an illusion created by my murky emotions.  The same emotions she was there to show me how to subdue.  What was there to fear when I share the presence of such a magnificent creature?  Especially when she is never truly alone, the pride is always in close proximity.

Two weeks ago while meditating I could feel the presence of  twin white lionesses at my right and my left.  They are young and playful, but deadly and protective.  Welcome companions among my spiritual entourage.  I believe they want to guide me to female instructors and to explore aspects of the feminine/dark/yin energies.  In day to day life, I've been encountering and learning from more women than usual.  I'm using the stealth and night vision of the lionesses to observe and better understand their presence and the gifts these energies bring to my life. 

Re-posted from

The white lion animal is not a distinct subspecies, but a special morph with a genetic condition, leucism, that causes paler colouration akin to that of the white tiger; the condition is similar to melanism, which causes black panthers.  They are not albinos, having normal pigmentation in the eyes and skin.  White Transvaal lion individuals occasionally have been encountered in and around Kruger National Park and the adjacent Timbavati Private Game Reserve in eastern South Africa, but are more commonly found in captivity, where breeders deliberately select them.  The unusual cream color of their coat is due to a recessive gene.  Reportedly, they  have been bred in camps in South Africa for use as trophies to be killed during canned hunts. Confirmation of the existence of white lions only came in the late twentieth century. For hundreds of years prior, the white lion had been thought to be a figment of legend circulating in South Africa, the white pelage of the animal said to represent the goodness in all creatures.  Sightings were first reported in the early 1900s, and continued, infrequently, for almost fifty years, until, in 1975, a litter of white lion cubs was found at Timbavati Game Reserve.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Illusionist

So many changes in so little time.  I was checking out my diary entries and I can't believe how fast my mind changes about situations and people.  Fortunately, in a way that shows that they taught me something, otherwise, I'd be a little concerned.  I've been practicing being in the moment.  Like my insectoid-sentient messengers.  I learned how to sit still in my own life, by observing them.  Especially moths, crickets and grasshoppers.  Their big compound eyes and antennae busy while they observe their environment before making their move.  My impulsive Aries days are over, so it seems.  I kept pulling the Judgment tarot card.  I knew right away when I pulled the card what I had to let go of.

I need to let go of my illusions.  My whole life I've painted this world around me, the colors my reactions, the paintbrush my emotions.  I was always using the same colors and brushstroke... how boring...  I've decided to whitewash everything and start all over.  Instead of assigning significance to the people and events I encounter everyday, I just want to observe them, without the routine commentary and emotions. 

I feel like my mind works too hard doing this wierd narration thing.  I was thinking the other day, did I always talk to myself in my head or did that just happen over time?  Is my brain really supposed to narrate my life?  Seems a little unnecessary, I can very well see, hear, smell, feel and taste what's going on.

For example, when I saw the picture above of the Comet Moth, I thought to myself, I would freak out if I saw a moth that looked like that.  Why would I think that?  Its beautiful, its not some carnivorous beast that's going to eat me alive.... I don't know about you sometimes, Nice....

I've been musing:  what if I trained my brain to quit the narration, like switching my focus.  Because when I switch my focus regarding physical things in my life things change big time.  So perhaps if I try encouraging my brain to focus more in the moment, and be quiet, some interesting things will happen.  We shall see...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

White Self-Existing Wizard

White Wizard is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming

White Wizard is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the heart. Such wisdom is not the intellectual understanding known in Western culture; it is the wisdom that comes from an alignment of mind and heart. An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception. Allowing yourself to 'not know' opens the door of the mind to a deeper understanding of the universe. White Wizard asks you to fully utilize this aligned mind to participate in magic.

White Wizard invites you to step into self-empowerment. Empowerment comes from self-acceptance, integrity, and commitment to your evolution. Self-empowerment is not to be found outside oneself. Anything outside that brings you empowerment also has a divine foundation within you. If you feel a need for the approval of others, look to self-empowerment. When you feel effectively engaged, doing what gives you joy, your energy naturally expands to inlcude more of who you are, and magic flows synchronistically into your life. Claim your alignment with the highest wisdom. Call forth divine action in all that you do!

Align your own will with divine will and your Essence Self. Be transparent, innocently allowing magic to come through you rather than needing to create it. Open to heart-knowing and limitless possibilties.

White Wizard is a tool of the light, a conduit for the work of Spirit. A wise magician is spontaneous and transparent, allowing magic to come in rather than trying to control it or make it happen. A magician dances the dance of love through offering gifts of freedom to others. This is real magic. Freed from the need to use power to manipulate or control, a magician uses wisdom to manifest liberation and love.

The harmonic wisdom of White Wizard is melody, the progression of single tones within a composition. White Wizard symbolizes the sacred journey of your individual life. As a harmonic magician, you are a novel yet universal container for the expression of the Divine. While you play the melody of your journey's spirit song, the Creator provides the harmony.

Melody is to music what story line is to story. Utilize the elements you have chosen for exploration in your life - your gifts, talents, abilities, motivations, circumstances, and the other characters in your play. Orchestrate the most interesting and growth-engendering story line from this combination of possibilities. Understand that you are the player and the played in the melody in your life.

White Dog is your Higher Self & Guide

One of the gifts of White Dog is the calling in and recognition of other companions of destiny. Other beings with the same longing are waiting to meet and acknowledge you - beings who can see you as you authrentically are. When you have truly been seen, you feel empowered, and remembrance of a shared sacred trust is ignited. This is a natural process, divinely designed for recognition through vibrational affinity, freed from personal expectations.

White Dog can be seen as an access point for developing relationships with guides, totems, allies and guardians. There are many ways to work with these spiritual guides, including guided visualizations, shamanic journeys, and meditation. A useful construct is viewing them as aspects of yourself, part of your life stream that is asking to be integrated. Remember, there is no 'other'. In this grand adventure, you are being asked to embody all that you are.
Profound insights are garnered through shared purpose and relationship with others who are willing to be in their truth and integrity about the light and shadow aspects they perceive in themselves.

Similarly, intimate relationships can be viewed as unique opportunities to bring forward in each other deep emotional patterns to be transformed. In this case, those you have drawn to you hold the ability to assist you in your own integration as well. There are no mistakes. Be willing to look deeply into the truth held within any relationship. The expression of intimacy is a gift of love; the lack of it may be a symptom asking for honest communication and healing. It may also be guiding you to reevaluate your relationship and the purpose it is serving.

White Dog signals a breakthrough in your life: new beginnings, new perceptions, new allies and friends. As you express more authentically who you are, you draw your true family closer to you.With your guides and companions, you have the ability to manifest your inspired visions and dreams. Recognize the eyes and hearts that spark the remembrance of a sacred trust.

The Harmonic Wisdom of White Dog is affinity, the attraction of like vibrations or substances for one another.


 Blue Hand is your Subconscious Self and Hidden Helper

Blue Hand is a gateway, an opening, a portal from one understanding to another. A clue to the meaning of Blue Hand is found in the meditation, "I am, by thinly veiled design, the threshold to other dimensions. In my ending is my beginning. The initatory gateway awaits." Blue Hand is the seventh or last archetype in the cycle of development of primary being. It represents the power found in completion. Blue Hand is seen as a closure, which is really an opening to another level of being.

Like the fluidity of moving water, Blue Hand is associated with the process of dance, mudra, and beauty. This movement is a metaphor for the ebb and flow of life. In meditation with Manik, experience the flowing quality that is the beauty of the cosmic dance. Remember this essence and this fluidity at times when your life feels most inflexible or lacking in beauty.

Blue Hand represents the 'beauty way', the ability to see intrinsic beauty within yourself and in all things. Living the beauty way requires being in your full beauty and power. From this place, your self-authority naturally flows. This is the position where your ego is aligned with divine will. When you are standing in your full beauty and power, your very presence invites others to be all that they are. To the Maya, Blue Hand represents the deer, the gentle, serenely aware guide who walks in fluid beauty and grace, opening and revealing.

The energy of Blue Hand will also help you to manifest spiritual skills - especially those intuitive gifts such as oracular divination. In each incarnation, you bring certain gifts. Each path - from priest and priestess to shaman and dancer to artist and gardener - carries varied tools and skills. You have chosen certain gifts and tools that offer you a way to interact with others and your life process. This may be as simple as calling on your innate wisdom and insight in order to see clearly the gifts and tools that you carry.

Yellow Seed represents your Challenge and Gift. With maturity and awareness this challenge will turn into a Focus. This is what you desire to learn in this lifetime

One of the shadows of Yellow Seed is acting as the unawakened seed, the sleeper who wants to remain protected and invulnerable. In this shadow you may think you are serving yourself through this illusion of safety and security. Yet if you maintain distance from the world of possibilities outside your shell, your new horizons are kept at a distance. Take a risk, and reveal all that you are! Beyond the confines of definitions and self-concepts and the security of everyday patterns, the excitement of unknown possibilities beckons.

Examine how protective limitations affect your natural growth. Such issues are reflected in phrases like, "My world works just the way it is"; "I can't do that"; "I'm just fine the way I am"; or "I feel too inadequate." The sae wall that is intended to create safety and security also builds a barrier that limits Spirit from creating new possibilities in your life.

One way to access the transformation offered in the shadow of Yellow Seed is to realize that the seeds - your dreams, desires, and destiny - lie waiting within you to be awakened. In accepting that you are the fertile ground, you feel the authentic safety and security within, and the outside world becomes ripe with new possibilities.

Red Serpent is your Compliment - something that comes naturally to you.

"I am the flint and tinder of the sacred fire," reads the meditation for Red Serpent. In the Great Mystery, flint and tinder represent the instinctive combustion that initiates movement in the physical body toward union with Spirit. When flint and tinder are brought together, the spark of divinity awakens and ignites the fire of your essence. Red Serpent invites the purifying spark of the sacred fire, the kundalini, to align and integrate your body, mind and spirit. Red Serpent can help you uncover apparent blockages in specific chakras to clear an align them. If you are working on a process of purification, invite Red Serpent to assist you.

Red Serpent's symbol is the serpent, representing healing and wholeness. This Mayan medicine can remove toxins, rejuvenate and transform dis-ease. Red Serpent is also known by the Maya as the kultanlilni, or kundalini, the energy that moves up from the base of the spine and out through the crown chakra. There are two aspects of this force, the ida and the pingala, representing its male and female polarities. One of the ancient secrets of Red Serpent is the activation of higher states of consciousness through balancing these two polarities so that they dance within us as one. Another metaphor for this serpent energy comes from the Mayan words luk umen tun ben can, or "those absorbed by the serpent of the sacred knowledge." When the seven chakras are fully activated, one experiences an enlightened state.

Red Serpent represents the basic structural apparatus of your motivations, instincts, desires, and your innate movement toward wholeness. Red Serpent asks you to shed the skin of your past and step into the fires of alchemical transmutation. In this, rebirth is revealed. This desire is an innate response encoded in the depths of your being.

With the energy of Red Serpent, you learn to use the innate intelligence of the body. In this culture you may have become separated from this wisdom. It works like this: when you suppress and ignore your issues, your body receives and retains the unconscious metaphors of that which is ignored. This may be expressed through physical symptoms that bring your unconscious issues to conscious awareness. When this happens, work toward a more conscious relatonship with your body - and work with the physical metaphors in order to heal yourself on all levels.

The body has a specific kind of consciousness through which messages are clearly delivered. In fact, the body itself is a living metaphor that mirrors your mind, emotions and spirit. However, the body also remembers all it has experienced, and consequently holds the consciousness of the past within it, including past wounds and traumas. In healing these, remember the innocence of your body. Treat it with love and respect. Open yourself to be aware of its messages and metaphors rather than storing them. Be willing to look at the positive intent beneath any symptoms or physical process your body is using to communicate. Explore whatever it may be asking you to see.

In this alignment process, you can use images or energies that come to you in meditation or dreams. Journey through your body to catalyze and explore any sensations, colors, shapes, or images. In these times we have a profound opportunity to transcend both our physical and our spiritual genetics. The body's integration provides an unparalleled opportunity for personal evolution. Learn to expand and utilize your senses to access your body's wisdom and vitality. Don't 'think' about it; simply allow your body to sense intuitively the solutions necessary for change and growth.

Red Serpent also represents the connection between powerful physical/ecstatic experiences and the light of higher consciousness. This is an initiation of awakening through the body and senses, rather than in negation of them. As Jose Arguelles says in The Mayan Factor, "Like the Maya, we shall understand that the path to the stars is through the senses." Within the body are held the keys to fully awakening our consciousness. This deeper understanding is expressed in tantric practices, where spirituality and sexuality are integrated and honoured as a means to enlightenment. Red Serpent represents the integration of mind, body and spirit.

Red Serpent is associated with the sacred tools of the drum and the rattle. Drums and rattles can break down old patterns or bring energy into alignment.

Your Tone is Tone 4 - Self-Existing

Order, definition, discrimination, natural cycles, meaningful alignment.

Four is the ray of measure, the alignment with natural cycles. It is the square, the base of the pyramid, the solid foundation that unifies the lines of directional force. Four is the diamond asking you to utilize tools of discrimination.

Now is the time to manifest your dream or vision. Look to natural logic, order and definition - these gifts support the whisperings of your creative spirit. You are the architect who manifests your dreams! Open the door and call forth the sacred Four. You are being brought into meaningful alignment, bringing healing into this cycle of your life.

The four directions offer you assistance in understanding universal physical laws. Use measure as a tool of consciousness to mold time, form and space. Now is the time to focus, to connect tangibly with the undefined. Take your ideas and give them discipline and form. Develop the ability to discriminate without creating separation or judgement. Channel your creative energy constructively, generating the power for practical manifestation!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

9th Wave Transmissions

Justice XI
We are nearing the end of the 9th Wave.  I'm so excited, it has been a great ride.  I opened up to the energies and transmissions of information, and my life has changed phenomenally.  I changed residences, got a great job, cemented important friendships, reconnected with my family and a very special friend, made some new friends, upgraded my self-image, my self-perception and most importantly deepened my connection with nature.  The way I perceive my reality has altered dramatically.  I have acquired new senses apart from the fundamental five.  My timing and intuition is better than ever.  My heart has grown softer and more compassionate.  

I was very smug, and I often look down on other people who I feel have an inferior perception... okay, so I'm still smug and a complete snob, but I started to learn from this.  Seeing past those feelings helped me to find the perfect spot to plant the seeds of my acquired knowledge through experience, with others, and be patient enough to watch those seeds sprout.  In time I'll have my own social garden.  

I accepted and learned to love my dual nature.  The light and the dark.  My light side is creative, loving, a caretaker and provider.  Patience however comes and goes, I am still learning that lesson.  My dark side is passionate, outspoken, abrupt, and often callous.  I am not afraid to express my anger anymore.  In fact I feel it is another way of honoring myself.  It is also a learning instrument.  My emotions both positive and negative, teach me about myself, if I don't express them (no matter how humiliating afterward), it's like I missed a day of school.  There is a time to turn the other cheek, and also a time to strike back, and then those pesky times in between, when you have to wait it out before you know what course of action to take.  

I learned to trust my own intuition and timing.  I was so caught up on dates before.  Then I realized time is just a figment of my imagination, a man made invention it doesn't even exist.  It's all about energy.  I can feel when the momentum of energy is building, when it is in decline, when the moment is at hand.  I can sense the hidden and never have to dig too deep to uncover it.  I love this gift!

This wave has also led me to discover my purpose in life.  My purpose is to create joy and express that joy in this reality as a living example of universal creation.  My purpose is to love myself and others unconditionally.  My purpose is self-expression, individuality and communion all at the same time.  To always seek out the highest good, the road wide enough to encompass everyone in my life.  I am here to learn who I am, to express who I am to the highest degree, with the most luminous light and the most impenetrable darkness.  This is the innocence I believe Adam and Eve lost when they ate the forbidden fruit.  The knowledge that we are both the light and the dark.  Two opposites that create balance.  One cannot exist without the other.  I am here to be an expression of that.

The 9th Wave ends on October 28, 2011.  From this day and thereafter, I plan to continue to hone the gifts that I have received.  I am preparing to express them.  I look forward to fruition.